Laser devices for facial rejuvenation

The principle of operation of devices of laser rejuvenation lies in the impact on the deeper layers of the dermis without damaging the upper layers of the epidermis. The laser activates the functioning of the cells, and they begin to produce their own collagen and elastin.

The benefits of the use of apparatus of laser for facial rejuvenation

The unit

The recovery after the laser exposure occurs naturally through stimulation of the own resources of the body. The laser activates the functioning of the cells, which, in turn, actively produce such essential for the skin substances such as collagen and elastin. With age, our skin loses the ability to heal itself, so it is important to help her begin the rebuilding process again.

With regular use, pronounced cosmetic effect is achieved through several procedures. The deeper wrinkles are filled molecules of youth, that allows to avoid high cost and traumatic operations, occurs the natural facelift.

  • It is simple and highly effective way to restore youth and beauty;
  • Guaranteed positive cosmetic result after several sessions of use;
  • Each procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes and eliminates the recovery period;
  • The possibility of the use of modern instruments in the house.

The results of the application of the laser for skin rejuvenation at home

Today laser massager can use each woman in the house. Expensive beauty salon the procedure was adapted for home use. The modern portable devices to perform the lift procedure allow to obtain the same result as in the lounge.

You can perform this efficiently and safely procedure of exchange independently, without fear of harm to himself. In addition, instruments for the exposure of laser may combine other forms, as they restore oval face, return the tone of the skin. This can be a massage or microcurrents.

Clinical trials have shown that in the home, laser, facelift produces results within 2 weeks. Smoothed fine mesh of wrinkles, occur the padding mimic depressions in the face. Visibly improves the color of the face, sold bright and flowery view. The unit contributes to this, including through the elimination of age spots. Thanks to the active regeneration occurs lifting of the tissues, which significantly improves the face oval, is returned the out the elasticity.


Laser facelift at home is a guaranteed way of improving the state of the skin, without surgical interventions and more beauty salon handling. Daily application provides sturdy result.

Indications and contra-indications of use the use of apparatus of laser for facial rejuvenation

This procedure is ideal for women who are concerned with their appearance, but for some reason can not visit the beauty salon. If You focus on the result and is looking for an effective way to restore the youth, the devices that apply the laser is what You need.

However, there are contraindications for the application. Before you purchase a device and start the procedure you must learn with them.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • lesions on the skin, burns, lesions, previously performed chemical peels, psoriasis, and t. p.
  • diseases of the heart;
  • diseases, neoplastic;
  • the presence of the yarn aesthetic in the skin at sites of exposure;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • tendency to keloid formation and kuperosu.

The first use of any laser device should start from the experimentation in the discreet area of the skin with a minimal impact.